MDOT Certified Commercial Waterproofing and Construction Company

We have worked on over 1,000 bridges in Michigan and the surrounding states for MDOT, counties, and municipalities. We deploy our fleet of vehicles and equipment to jobs across the US, every day of the week.

I-75 High Friction Surface Treatment

Location: I-75 through Royal Oak, MI


Through the Michigan Department of Transportation, Smith’s Waterproofing acted as the prime contractor on the I-75 High Friction Surface Treatment (HSFT) on I-75 north bound between 11 Mile Road & 12 Mile Road. The project included surface prep of the highway with 5 shotblasters, cleaning the dirt, dust, and contaminants, and then applying the HFST.

The MDOT schedule gave two weekends to complete the project, from Friday at 10:00 PM to Monday at 5:00 PM. Smith’s utilized four crews to complete the project in one weekend. The four crews worked 24 hours a day from Friday at 10:00 PM until Sunday at 6:00 PM. This project was completed with zero accidents or injuries.


  • Installation of 58,680 square feet of High Friction Surface Treatment in one weekend
  • Setup and maintain traffic control over the entire closure
  • Completed 29% under the engineered estimate by MDOT
  • Finished project and opened to traffic in less than half of the allowed time
  • No reportable injuries or accidents